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School of the Art Institute of Chicago Gallery, July 2022
Photography by John Nickerson
This work is in part a response to the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, and its attempts to control women's bodies. In this installation, a maze of annealed wires highlights the challenges in navigating the legal rulings, social norms and discourses surrounding women's bodies and their sexuality. A deconstructed telephone questions available forms of accountability. And a looping soundscape of my breath signals a humanity that remains elusive yet available.
The juxtaposition of materialities - the linear, subtle, fragmented - may not necessarily signal rupture. What does it take to compose the freedom in body, mind and spirit that we desire?
Photography by Ji Yang
School of the Art Institute of Chicago Gallery , July 25, 2022
Through performance I share the power of ritual as transformation. I engage with a telephone that was once out of my reach in a past violent encounter. Past fantasies of rescue become present enactments of renewal.
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