How to elucidate or make articulate the inarticulable. That's where I am. Or at least, where I think I am for the moment. I suppose we often think that what is difficult to understand would gain in clarity with verbal articulation, verbal coherence. But perhaps what we need more of is heart-centered articulation, heart-centered coherence. And perhaps space for the inarticulate and incoherent; yet nevertheless, from the heart. A politics of and from the heart. The mundane seeped in tenderness. The functional resonant with the unapologetic. And what would happen if vines grew in every which way? We would have more need for support systems. And for wine. To quench our thirst for knowledge grown from the fertile soil of pain. And the tendrils that hang loosely, uncertain of their purpose, would simply wait. Wait patiently for that breeze to tell them, that they need nothing more than to just hang loosely.
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