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In Conversation with Alejandra Pizarnik, Pt.1

Alejandra Pizarnik:



The name I was called by is already lost.

Its face orbits around me

like the sounds of water at night,

of waters falling into waters.

And the last thing to go is its smile,

instead of my memory.


The most beautiful of all

on the night of those who leave me:

you whom I long for,

how endless your not-returning,

you as shadow till the day of days.

Aidyn Mills:



Perhaps my name never existed.

But like you, her shadow still speaks,

dancing between new encounters

and pallid conversations.

She bows in deference

and screams in refusal.


Pero ya no veo las obstrucciones

entre la luz y mi cuerpo.

Los dos juegan hasta que se penetran

el uno al otro.

Si tuviera que preguntar,

que pasaría sin tanta luz,

seguro que me respondería,

se extenderían tus noches.

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