Adolescence: Stay, won't you? Why so eager to go? Adulthood: I have statues to take down, new worlds to erect.
Adolescence: You can do all that here. We've just started.
Adulthood: I won't be taken seriously. They'll laugh, chastise, and bind. So I will use their words, their ways.
Then they will listen.
Adolescence: Allowance is not acceptance. You compromise for the illusion of acceptance.
Here, we have no ways, no words. Nothing has been erected.
There are no dacite monuments to dismantle, nor marble boundaries to demolish.
Adulthood: Certainty is comforting. Their syntax is safe.
Adolescence: Imprisoned already by the idea. Soon you will forget and you will lose yourself in names.
Adulthood: Is it inevitable? Can't you come with me?
Adolescence: Somewhere between longing and desire will be our re-encounter.