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I investigate the fluidity and malleability of forms, specifically as it pertains to my orgasm. I explore the extent to which its materiality and conceptuality can evolve. Can we shift focus from an orgasm as a thing to be achieved, to a state of being that can evolve? How can we move from an objectification of women and their sexuality, to a subjectification? Towards orgasm as subjectivity.

Research Process:

1. I recorded my orgasm.

2. I named my orgasm, El Orgasmo Sin Fin (OSF), "Orgasm without End".

3. I uploaded OSF to an online sound library. I received an automatically generated response informing me that my orgasm had been received. My orgasm is accessible without my presence.

4. I explored variations of OSF with a male friend using his software, Logic Pro. At my dining table he gave me more orgasms.

5. I took a picture of OSF:


6. I took the picture to Staples, and a male employee there gave me 30 more orgasms. To ensure I was pleased with his services, he asked me with each variation, "How about this? How about now? Is this OK?"

7. I sold two of the thirty orgasms at a local art fair. The two were purchased by men.

8. I gifted OSF to four friends. OSF is currently residing in Austin, TX, Amman Jordan, Chicago, IL, and Vermont.

9. My friend in Texas was turned on by OSF and responded with a sound piece:



My orgasm now has a name and an identity that persists in time and space. Yet it shifts in forms.

My orgasm has public status and accompanying paperwork.

My orgasm has the capacity to be replicated.

My orgasm has been commodified.

Ongoing Research Questions:

Are ideas and narratives around sexuality malleable?

How can we shape cultural understandings of sensuality, pleasure and sexuality, in mundane ways?

Could orgasms form cooperatives to protect against the violences of state and national legislation impinging upon experiences of eroticism and pleasure?

Does OSF have a gender? What pronouns should they use? Is she happy in Jordan? Has he made friends in Chicago? What are its living conditions like in Texas?

What is the nature of my relationship now to OSF? Are they still "my" orgasm?

Poetic Reflections

From the sensory rich, it emits.

Without measure, it invades the meager whisper and sustains operatically.

It refuses the agonistic gesture and prefers to sway its hips in prayer to the erotic.

And the gods answer. 


Or it is captured.

Sounds digitally ensnared with little decorum.

Its blithe outlook and penchant for the spontaneous become rhetorical.

The nuanced becomes the hyperbolic.

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