Photos by Kristen Finn
Charlottesville, VA Chalk Fest 2023
In collaboration with Meesha Goldberg
On 5/20/23 as G7 world leaders cynically met in Hiroshima to affirm forever war, we concocted the medicine of ASIAN FEMME PROPHETIC POWER, care, catharsis. Live from the idyll of downtown Charlottesville, in Jefferson's waning "empire of liberty", we presented the repressed spectre of nuclear cataclysm. Descended from the mountain, the river, the women, we the feral, sight the red sky.
Meesha Goldberg:
"Despite all the challenges to reunification, shouldn't dreaming women dream pathways through the hostile miles?
Shouldn't our dreams callous our feet and make muscle enough to incarnate impossible futures?
Shouldn't the dreaming women dream with uncensored bravado and pageantry enough to seduce the world into its greater imagination?"