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Investigation #2: Exercises in a Liberation from Perfectionism
per·fec·tion·ism | \ pər-ˈfek-shə-ˌni-zəm
1: Conditioning to conform to harrowingly narrow terms
2: Disposition internalized through insidious methods in academic institutions
3 a: Erasure of gender, sexual, racial, ethnic diversity
b: White supremacist tactic
c: Obliteration of humanity
For just $6.99, I face my perfectionist tendencies with a notebook purchased from Staples. I write and draw everyday on its 5x5mm graphed paper. I face all the white lines. All the white lines, intent on stifling and perfecting me into uniformity and perhaps, into oblivion. At first, I stay within the lines. And I write complete sentences. Eventually, I begin to explore new forms and possibilities, rather than stay confined to the tiny, pre-drawn boxes. And instead of deferring to standard methods of evaluation of my etches (i.e. is it 'rational'? 'logical'? does it conform to 'proper' grammar?), as with traditional academic modes of evaluation, I discover other ways of evaluating what feels satisfying and complete.
Through this diaristic practice, I discover poetry, non-linearity, song, and incoherence. I get to know myself better. The perfect in the imperfect. And the power of mundane anarchy.
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